Torbay and the South West : Tutoring & 11+

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Our 11+ pass rate has been 92%+ for the last 4 years!

We provide all the tutoring your child will need for the Torbay and Colyton Grammar Schools’ 11+. Founded in 2006 by Jane Powell BA (Hons) PGCE, we are a well-established and competitive service.

We have excellent knowledge and experience of the 11+ examinations from both a professional and personal basis. Many of our children are either at, or have attended, the local grammar schools.


- 11 Plus Preparation
- Year 5 - Master Classes
- Year 5 - Summer School
-  Mock Examinations Years 5 and 6
- ONLINE 11+ mocks
- 11 Plus Head Start Course - Year 4
- Year 4 Summer School 

We have an original and very successful teaching system that makes our tutoring sessions fast moving, challenging and fun. We are all highly qualified and dynamic graduates and/or teachers

Our success rate is excellent, (92% this year) but even if your child’s ability is not of 11+ standard, the tutoring will always be beneficial to their schoolwork. 

Places are limited and we take bookings up to three years in advance. For more information and to discuss your requirements, ring Jane on 07961 611151

We have an excellent track record of exam success.


'Thank you again Jane for your wonderful attention to detail and utter brilliance! I don’t know how you do it but ‘Jane Powell’  you are a force to be reckoned with!!'

Meet our tutors
Jane Powell BA(Hons) PGCE, Branstead, Higher Erith Road, Torquay, TQ1 2NQ

Telephone: 07961 611151 Email: [email protected] © 2019-2025 all rights reserved